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path: root/lib/Conversion.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Conversion.ml')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Conversion.ml b/lib/Conversion.ml
index b70a070..00bc942 100644
--- a/lib/Conversion.ml
+++ b/lib/Conversion.ml
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ struct
   let rec equate v1 v2 = match v1, v2 with
     | D.Neutral ne, v | v, D.Neutral ne -> equate_ne ne v
-    | D.Pi (base1, fam1), D.Pi (base2, fam2) ->
+    | D.Pi (_, base1, fam1), D.Pi (_, base2, fam2) ->
       equate base1 base2;
       equate_clo fam1 fam2
-    | D.Lam clo1, D.Lam clo2 -> equate_clo clo1 clo2
-    | D.Sg (base1, fam1), D.Sg (base2, fam2) ->
+    | D.Lam (_, clo1), D.Lam (_, clo2) -> equate_clo clo1 clo2
+    | D.Sg (_, base1, fam1), D.Sg (_, base2, fam2) ->
       equate base1 base2;
       equate_clo fam1 fam2
     | D.Pair (fst1, snd1), D.Pair (fst2, snd2) ->
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ struct
     | D.App arg1, D.App arg2 -> equate arg1 arg2
     | D.Fst, D.Fst -> ()
     | D.Snd, D.Snd -> ()
-    | D.BoolElim { cmot = mot1; vtrue = t1; vfalse = f1 },
-      D.BoolElim { cmot = mot2; vtrue = t2; vfalse = f2 } ->
+    | D.BoolElim { motive = mot1; true_case = t1; false_case = f1; _ },
+      D.BoolElim { motive = mot2; true_case = t2; false_case = f2; _ } ->
       equate_clo mot1 mot2;
       equate t1 t2;
       equate f1 f2;
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ struct
       equate_ne_head hd hd2;
       equate_spine sp sp2
     (* eta expansion *)
-    | D.Lam clo -> bind @@ fun arg ->
+    | D.Lam (_, clo) -> bind @@ fun arg ->
       equate_ne (hd, sp <: D.App arg) (Eval.inst_clo clo arg)
     | D.Pair (fst, snd) ->
       equate_ne (hd, sp <: D.Fst) fst;