type raw_ident = string type ident = raw_ident Asai.Range.located type raw_arg = { name : ident; ty : expr } and arg = raw_arg Asai.Range.located and raw_expr = | Var of raw_ident | Bool | True | False | BoolElim of { motive_var : ident; motive_body : expr; true_case : expr; false_case : expr; scrut : expr; } | Pi of arg * expr | Lam of ident * expr | App of expr * expr | Sg of arg * expr | Pair of expr * expr | Fst of expr | Snd of expr and expr = raw_expr Asai.Range.located let dump_raw_ident fmt (id : raw_ident) = Format.fprintf fmt "@[%s@]" id let dump_ident fmt ({ value; _ } : ident) = dump_raw_ident fmt value let rec dump_raw_arg fmt ({ name; ty } : raw_arg) = Format.fprintf fmt "@[@[%a@]@ :@ @[%a@]@]" dump_ident name dump_expr ty and dump_arg fmt ({ value; _ } : arg) = dump_raw_arg fmt value and dump_raw_expr fmt = function | Var id -> Format.fprintf fmt "Var @[%a@]" dump_raw_ident id | Bool -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Bool" | True -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "True" | False -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "False" | BoolElim { motive_var; motive_body; true_case; false_case; scrut } -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<10>BoolElim (@[%a@] ->@ @[%a@],@ @[%a@],@ @[%a@],@ @[%a@])@]" dump_ident motive_var dump_expr motive_body dump_expr true_case dump_expr false_case dump_expr scrut | Pi (dom, cod) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<4>Pi (@[%a@],@ @[%a@])@]" dump_arg dom dump_expr cod | Lam (var, body) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<5>Lam (@[%a@].@ @[%a@])@]" dump_ident var dump_expr body | App (fn, arg) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<5>App (@[%a@],@ @[%a@])@]" dump_expr fn dump_expr arg | Sg (fst, snd) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<4>Sg (@[%a@],@ @[%a@])@]" dump_arg fst dump_expr snd | Pair (fst, snd) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<6>Pair (@[%a@],@ @[%a@])@]" dump_expr fst dump_expr snd | Fst p -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<5>Fst (@[%a@])@]" dump_expr p | Snd p -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<5>Snd (@[%a@])@]" dump_expr p and dump_expr fmt ({ value; _ } : expr) = dump_raw_expr fmt value