open Bwd open Bwd.Infix module S = Syntax module D = Domain module Internal = struct module Eff = Algaeff.Reader.Make (struct type nonrec t = D.env end) let make_clos body = D.Clos { body; env = } let rec inst_clos (D.Clos { body; env }) arg = let env = env <: arg in ~env @@ fun () -> eval body and app v w = match v with | D.Lam clos -> inst_clos clos w | D.Neutral (hd, frms) -> D.Neutral (hd, frms <: D.App w) | _ -> invalid_arg "" and fst = function | D.Pair (v, _) -> v | D.Neutral (hd, frms) -> D.Neutral (hd, frms <: D.Fst) | _ -> invalid_arg "Eval.fst" and snd = function | D.Pair (_, v) -> v | D.Neutral (hd, frms) -> D.Neutral (hd, frms <: D.Snd) | _ -> invalid_arg "Eval.snd" and bool_elim cmot vtrue vfalse = function | D.True -> vtrue | D.False -> vfalse | D.Neutral (hd, frms) -> D.Neutral (hd, frms <: D.BoolElim { cmot; vtrue; vfalse }) | _ -> invalid_arg "Eval.bool_elim" and eval = function | S.Var i -> Bwd.nth ( i | S.Pi (base, fam) -> D.Pi (eval base, make_clos fam) | S.Lam body -> D.Lam (make_clos body) | S.App (a, b) -> app (eval a) (eval b) | S.Sg (base, fam) -> D.Sg (eval base, make_clos fam) | S.Pair (a, b) -> D.Pair (eval a, eval b) | S.Fst a -> fst (eval a) | S.Snd a -> snd (eval a) | S.Type -> D.Type | S.Bool -> D.Bool | S.True -> D.True | S.False -> D.False | S.BoolElim { motive; true_case; false_case; scrut } -> bool_elim (make_clos motive) (eval true_case) (eval false_case) (eval scrut) end let eval ~env tm = ~env (fun () -> Internal.eval tm) let inst_clos = Internal.inst_clos