open Bwd module S = Syntax module D = Domain module Internal = struct (* keeping track of the context size *) module Eff = Algaeff.Reader.Make (struct type t = int end) let bind f = let arg = D.var ( in Eff.scope (fun size -> size + 1) @@ fun () -> f arg let rec quote = function | D.Neutral ne -> quote_ne ne | D.Pi (name, base, fam) -> S.Pi (name, quote base, quote_clo fam) | D.Lam (name, clo) -> S.Lam (name, quote_clo clo) | D.Sg (name, base, fam) -> S.Sg (name, quote base, quote_clo fam) | D.Pair (v, w) -> S.Pair (quote v, quote w) | D.Type -> S.Type | D.Bool -> S.Bool | D.True -> S.True | D.False -> S.False and quote_clo clo = bind @@ fun arg -> quote (Eval.inst_clo clo arg) and quote_ne (hd, frms) = Bwd.fold_left quote_frm (quote_ne_head hd) frms and quote_ne_head (D.Var i) = S.Var ( - i - 1) (* converting from levels to indices *) and quote_frm hd = function | D.App v -> S.App (hd, quote v) | D.Fst -> S.Fst hd | D.Snd -> S.Snd hd | D.BoolElim { motive_var; motive; true_case; false_case } -> S.BoolElim { motive_var; motive = quote_clo motive; true_case = quote true_case; false_case = quote false_case; scrut = hd; } end let quote ~size v = ~env:size (fun () -> Internal.quote v) let quote_ne ~size ne = ~env:size (fun () -> Internal.quote_ne ne)