open Bwd type t = Data.value = | Neutral of ne | Unfold of unfold | Pi of Name.local * t * clo | Lam of Name.local * clo | Sg of Name.local * t * clo | Pair of t * t | Type | Bool | True | False and ne = and ne_head = Data.ne_head = | Var of int (* De Bruijn levels *) and unfold = Data.unfold and unfold_head = Data.unfold_head = | Def of Name.t * t Lazy.t and frm = Data.frm = | App of t | Fst | Snd | BoolElim of { motive_var : Name.local; motive : clo; true_case : t; false_case: t; } and env = Data.env and clo = Data.clo = Clo of { body : Data.syn; env : env } let var i = Neutral (Var i, Emp) let def p v = Unfold (Def (p, v), Emp, v)