open Bwd open Bwd.Infix module S = NbE.Syntax module Internal = struct type env = { names : Name.local bwd; prec : int; } module Eff = Algaeff.Reader.Make (struct type nonrec t = env end) let bind (name : Name.local) f fmt x = let update env = { env with names = env.names <: name } in Eff.scope update (fun () -> f fmt x) let with_prec (prec : int) (inner : 'a Fmt.t) (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : 'a) = Eff.scope (fun env -> { env with prec; }) (fun () -> inner fmt v) let delimited inner = with_prec 0 inner let parenthesize (prec : int) : 'a Fmt.t -> 'a Fmt.t = if ( > prec then Fmt.parens else let lassoc (prec : int) (pp_left : 'l Fmt.t) ?(sep = " ") (pp_right : 'r Fmt.t) : ('l * 'r) Fmt.t = parenthesize prec @@ fun fmt v -> fmt "@[%a@]%s@[%a@]" (with_prec prec pp_left) (fst v) sep (with_prec (prec + 1) pp_right) (snd v) let rassoc (prec : int) (pp_left : 'l Fmt.t) ?(sep = " ") (pp_right : 'r Fmt.t) : ('l * 'r) Fmt.t = parenthesize prec @@ fun fmt v -> fmt "@[%a@]%s@[%a@]" (with_prec (prec + 1) pp_left) (fst v) sep (with_prec prec pp_right) (snd v) let pp_local_name fmt name = Fmt.string fmt @@ Option.value ~default:"_" name let pp_var fmt ix = let names = ( in match Bwd.nth_opt names ix with (* the variable has a bound name which has not been shadowed *) | Some ((Some name) as id) when Bwd.find_index ((=) id) names = Some ix -> Fmt.string fmt name (* the variable does not have a bound name or its bound name has been shadowed *) | Some _ -> fmt "%@%d" ix | None -> Error.bug "index out of range in pp_var" let rec pp_pair fmt = (delimited @@ fun fmt (a, b) -> fmt "@[(@[%a@], @[%a@])@]" pp a pp b) fmt and pp_bool_elim fmt = (delimited @@ fun fmt (motive_var, motive, true_case, false_case, scrut) -> fmt "@[bool-elim @[%a@] at @[%a@] -> @[%a@] [ true => @[%a@], false => @[%a@] ]@]" pp scrut pp_local_name motive_var (bind motive_var pp) motive pp true_case pp false_case ) fmt and pp_arg fmt (name, tp) = match name with | Some name -> (delimited @@ fun fmt (name, tp) -> fmt "(@[%s@] : @[%a@])" name pp tp) fmt (name, tp) | None -> pp fmt tp (* TODO: improve indentation *) and pp fmt = function | S.Var ix -> pp_var fmt ix | S.Def (p, _) -> Name.pp fmt p | S.Pi (name, base, fam) -> rassoc 1 pp_arg ~sep:" -> " (bind name pp) fmt ((name, base), fam) | S.Lam (name, body) -> fmt "@[\\@[%a@] -> @[%a@]@]" pp_local_name name (bind name pp) body | S.Sg (name, base, fam) -> rassoc 2 pp_arg ~sep:" * " (bind name pp) fmt ((name, base), fam) | S.App (a, b) -> lassoc 3 pp pp fmt (a, b) | S.Pair (a, b) -> pp_pair fmt (a, b) | S.Fst a -> lassoc 3 Fmt.string pp fmt ("fst", a) | S.Snd a -> lassoc 3 Fmt.string pp fmt ("snd", a) | S.Type -> Fmt.string fmt "type" | S.Bool -> Fmt.string fmt "bool" | S.True -> Fmt.string fmt "true" | S.False -> Fmt.string fmt "false" | S.BoolElim { motive_var; motive; true_case; false_case; scrut } -> pp_bool_elim fmt (motive_var, motive, true_case, false_case, scrut) end let pp ~names fmt tm = let env : Internal.env = { names; prec = 0; } in ~env (fun () -> Internal.pp fmt tm)